One-Hour Bi-Weekly Call on Tuesdays at Noon CST
Overcome your fears and limiting beliefs and conduct business like a millionaire CEO -- to achieve your real estate financial and lifestyle goals to create the business that you’ve always wanted!
One-Hour Bi-Weekly Call on Tuesdays at Noon CST
You are always evolving, therefore your business must evolve too. Continually refine and stay accountable to your business plan and receive consistent support to achieving your goals. You are not alone on your journey.
Date TBD
The way you show up in business is 100% correlated to your personal relationships and health. This interactive workshop will help EMPOWER you in health, wealth and relationships.
Private Facebook Group to Connect with the Community
A Facebook platform for clients to interact, engage and support each other, and to hold each other accountable. There’s nothing like connecting with like-minded individuals on the same growth journey as you.
Exclusive to members only!
BONUS #1, a $797 value
Habits of the Unshakeable CEO Workshop
Kick off 2024 with an amazing start! You will learn to implement productivity strategies and create a disciplined approach for your business and life, using the Live Your Legacy Toolbox.
BONUS #2, a $497 Value
Marketing and Networking Powerfully to Get More Deals
LIVE Interactive Workshop
Date TBD
Did you know that Sales & Marketing is the engine that moves all businesses forward? Let's dive deep into creating a brand -- social media and online, as well as one that helps you ATTRACT more deals while networking?
BONUS #3, a $497 Value
Embrace Your SALES Mindset
LIVE Workshop
Hate being sold to? This reflects a poor sales mindset -- and if you're afraid of being pitched to, you're probably afraid of asking for deals/money -- and leaving valuable dollars on the table! Come ready to realize that selling = serving, to magnetize your abundance in 2024!
BONUS #4, a $397 Value
Attracting the Right Partners
Interactive Workshop
Want to create a sustainable, scalable business? Partnering is the only way. Building a relationship in your business is like dating but one for years to come -- thus it is critical to find partners that have values that are aligned to you -- so you can grow your business with PEACE! Learn how to attract the "right" partners -- so that your business can truly take off!
Do you ever feel like you have gone through profound, difficult experiences – for the purpose of knowing yourself, but also to serve others on a high level?
From massive, chronic burnout to the point of nearly throwing in the towel with my business that I love through a divorce – through reformulating my business at least 3x in the past 3.5 years – I have gone through it all. Here is what I know to be true:
For most of us – fear of success prevents us from attaining our potential. We find creative ways to sabotage ourselves from our businesses – from overwhelm, analysis paralysis, lack of focus, lack of confidence leading to “hiding in plain sight”.
It’s time to STOP the patterns of self-sabotage and step into a more empowered, abundant version of yourself!
Having coached 120+ entrepreneurs (primarily real estate investors since 2019), hundreds of corporate executives previously to supporting thousands within my Facebook community, this is what I have found to allow one to create the FINANCIAL & LIFESTYLE FREEDOM you desire:
1) Shift from W-2 to CEO mindset
2) Being laser focused with the “right” things to move the needle in the business
3) Consistency in the business
4) Reestablishing our own inner relationship with ourselves to ALLOW in more abundance, love, and receiving
5) Tough love from someone who can see your blindspots and bring you back to the course to fulfill your goals
Most of my clients that have shown up consistently and gone ALL in our methodology get a minimum of 4x ROI financially, not to mention unparalleled confidence and empowerment – in business, health, and relationships!
My partner Ajit and I are committed to helping you show up as the most EMPOWERED version of you – so you can LIVE your legacy while creating the legacy that you are proud of.
Won’t you join us?
Copyright 2024 | Live Your Legacy